
How to Download Files From Baiduyun and 360yun?

It is a technical article.
First Baiduyun.
1. Go to the Website http://pan.baidu.com . It is a Chinese website but don't worry about it. It's very easy that the translated words are marked on the picture below.

2. It is suggested to register an account which you can get by clicking "Register". Then you can see this site:
Enter your Email Address and the Password for your account then click Register. After that you'll receive an Email including an activate link which should be clicked. Then your account is activated and you can sign in from the web site.

3. It is suggested to install an upload and download tool in your PC which is called baiduyunguanjia. Just click Windows below the website and you can download the tool.

After Installation this tool you can sign in your baiduyun.

4. It is also suggested to install and sign in baiduyun on your cellphone because you can achieve 2TB storage on your baiduyun after that. It can be downloaded by clicking the Android or Iphone on the website.

5. How to share a file or a folder on baiduyun and how to download others' share?
5.1 How to share file.
5.1.1 After you sign in you can see this site:
Website you can see
Click share and you can see
You can choose to creat a share link with or without a code. If without a code then you'll see:
If with a code you can see:
5.1.2 Signing in with baiduyunguanjia, the tool, you can see:
If you wanna share file:
The same as website.

You can also download or upload files with your internet explorer or baiduyunguanjia.

5.2 How to get the files shared by others.
It can only be done with your internet explorer!
Type the hole share link which include the words you have to add and the warpgate into the internet explorer.
If the link without code, then you can see the download site.
If with a code, you'll see:
Enter the Code and you can see:
You can download it or save it to your own baiduyun.

1.In this blog, share link can only be given as warpgate, eg: 1i3vctWp ,the hole web address should be completed by yourself! You should add "http://pan.baidu.com/s/" infront of the warpgate.
2. Folder can only be downloaded or uploaded by baiduyunguanjia, the tool.
3. Getting Others' share can only be done with internet explorer.

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